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An Intro

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Welcome to the new blog!

For a whole stack of reasons I needed to re-organise things in my life, so I'm (slowly) shuffling several blogs and accounts into different themes. This one, which will eventually hold all my radio, TV, and electronics hobby related stuff, is the first.

Oh, and it's not connected in any way to the old Australian Radio, Television and Hobbies magazine. If you're looking for that, go hassle Leo at Silicon Chip magazine. I hear he likes the Internet.

For those that don't know me (i.e. almost everybody - and that's the way I like it) I'm a life-long electronics hobbyist, ex-technician, and scientist (well, I've got a couple of bits of paper that at least suggest I can call myself one!). I'm trying to be a better person by turning over a new leaf and avoiding arguments on the Internet, but I'm not sure how well that's going. Consolidating blogs & earlier articles is part of that process, along with stepping away from places where people would rather argue they're right than discuss & learn things.

I don't expect this blog will update regularly or even frequently - but please, do check in occasionally to see if anything new & interesting has been posted!

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